
目前显示的是 六月, 2011的博文

Last Friday

My first period on Friday is "Doa Satu Malaysia". All of the students gotta participate in religious activities . It's quite special for me because that's my first time participated in similar activities . All of the buddhist were gather in sports field. Then,teacher lead us to  chant scripture. Wow,that's so amazing! =D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   Frankie,i promise you to take pictures of my room. Here you are^^   ↑my bed   ↑my roommate,Evelyn is doing homework^^     ↑Our wardrobe   ↑toilet ↑bathtub That's all. ***sign***I'm gonna leave.

hectic week

This week is rather hectic for me. Glad I'm coming home \(^o^)/ I miss my blog so much!!! So,I blog here to tell something special that happened to me this week. Firstly, I must say that i was an unlucky  people. (︶︹︺) This Sunday, i went to Triang about 16:00 because there got two new housemates were move in. After opened the door and put down my bag, i hang out with sister Pink. Her boyfriend fetched us to his house. So suck to tell that his house is located in the same place as my physic tuition class teacher's house. That's my first visit to his home. They were busy because they're invited to their friend's wedding party. So, my sister get started in makeup and I just trance. ( ¯ □ ¯ ) About 18:00, i went back while they attended the party. Then, I finished my chemistry exercises and visited my friend's house. They were move to our next door. Evelyn and I were went to have a look. Unlucky, it's raining cats and dogs when we gonna went back. So...

i feel so so

There was an unknown number called me just now. i answered the phone. Guess what?  (⊙_⊙)?? It's my former school's student. She was interested to rent the empty room of my house. I was confounded that how do she get my phone number Why she said she will transfer to SMK Triang soon? Is it real? ( →_→)? In fact,i SHOULD felt happy and don't think too much!! i should think that:   "Yeah!i can save some money!" " Yeah,i can reduce the chummage!" " Yeah,the house will not be too calm" ... But,i don't think so. I felt so so.(╯﹏╰) Maybe i loss my confidence after all misfortune. I scared it's just a false appearance. Maybe at the next moment, she will say: “Sorry,i don't want to rent it!” Luckily,she didn't do so. She came my house and asked me to go there together. Actually,there were two people wanna rent the room. They wanna moving supplies tomorrow. So,i gotta fetch them to the house and open the door. H...

I'm repent

sigh*** i would like to write a long long blog but i cant. cause i still have no finish my chem exercises yet. oh,NO! What am i doing? i have 2 weeks holiday but i still cant finish the work. I'm LAZY! i just waste my time. i just keep on playing FB games,watch drama,trance... my sister will come back tomorrow. So,i gotta finish my work 1st. ya you know,we like to chat until midnight =P sure we will get up late. and i will lazy to do my work. so,i must DONE it now,then enjoy my last 2 days. So sad = ( i gotta go to school next Mon. Why the time past so FAST???

an enriched day

Wow~i like my physics tuition class teacher! She is very handsome!! haha XD My sister had told me before, She said she is very smart. This morning,I was await to see her. When i saw her,i thought she is my classmate = =‖ She is very thin and seems like a teenager. I was curious that "Where is our teacher?" I paid all of my attention when she was teaching. She taught well and I could followed her. Now,i got confidence to my physics^^ After physics tuition class,i rest at rental house. Originally,i wanna did my chemistry exercises. But i borrowed my friend's phone to play angry bird . I found this game was interested and i keep on playing. Lastly,i had no did my homework 囧 ***sigh*** I came back home about 9:00pm today!! After chemistry tuition class (6:30pm) i waited my parents came to fetch me. We reached home about 7:00pm. Then,we went for dinner. We ate at my cousin's restaurant. There were many diners tonight. We waited about one hour!! So...

attention pls...

I have no reload my phone's credit yet. Who else wanna find me,pls call me! if u sms for me,i will reply u at fb. Tomorrow I'm going to attend two tuition classes. 11:00pm->physics tuition class 04:30pm->chemistry tuition class After physics tuition class,i will stay at Triang. i decided to bring my chemistry exercises go there. i cant do it at home because my home so NOISE!! Yesterday, my friend tell me the revision exercises wanna write out calculation. Oh my gosh,so trouble! There are so many question,how can i finish all? I found I'm lazy to do my homework,especially chemistry. I regret that why i didn't listened to teacher. My base was weak. Some knowledge has been learnt in Form 4&5 but i already forgot it. I still like to depend on teacher and have no self-discipline. So, I'm suffer in follow the class. I felt teacher teaches so fast. Acctually it's normal speed. If teachers dont do so,maybe they cant finish all the topic. ...


Yesterday,after i finished writing my blog i just click this click that at blogger.com hahahaha =D guess what? i found something new! that's my my friend's blog  Sometime,I'm happy that I'm such a curious baby i like to try whatever new things then,i will found something new so happy that i didn't get virus sigh*** i felt i cant stand someone... don't know that she is  really wanna go to Uni or she has too many free time & nothing can do so she go to study Form 6 to meet some new friends?! to fill up free time?! Is she go there for study "paktohlogy"? Why i said like that? Because she just seem like idle that's OK, never mind,that's not my business. BUT she had disturbing me when i was attending class she like to talk with me when I'm busy SO, i just cant STAND her!! Recently,i cant control myself when I'm talking with my mom and she ask me to repeat again i will lose control!! i had many stress many ...

no title

痞老板,你最近好吗? 蟹老板,在忙什么噢? 你们最近都没上线… 有异性没人性么? 总觉得我这假期过得很浪费 什么事也没做成 唉~怎么搞的? ╮(╯_╰)╭ 今天我很乖哦~ 帮爸爸洗车儿 哈哈XD 我终于想到车太大辆的坏处了! 就是洗车洗到你手酸 =P 其实我爸的车也不会太大 可是我就是懒人一个 洗着洗着就觉得很累了  囧 有点后悔我没有去学车 朋友们一个两个都有驾照 我就连驾都不会咯! 之前是想到没有车驾 就不想考 唉~没想到现在爸爸在这 如果我学了车就可以驾了咯~ 还是那一句:计划永远赶不上变化 大星,对不起… 每次都没有回复你的部落 因为我没写blog的话, 就会忘记去看你的blog了…… 我也很爱看宫崎骏的作品 最早最早看过的是《龙猫》和《千与千寻》 那时候还不知道他这位日本动画大师 知道后就开始很欣赏他的作品了 《哈尔的移动城堡》 《猫的报恩》 《天空之城》 《幽灵公主》 《 梦幻街少女 》 《 再见萤火虫 》 这些我都看过 还有其他的我不太记得  只能说他真的很厉害! 每一部都是那么的吸引我 (。◕‿◕。)呵呵 Bii要当兵了哦~ 你也不用太伤心啦~ 早点当早点回来啊^^ 刚才search的一点资料: 韩国兵役法规定,20岁至30岁的男性公民必须服兵役, 兵种不同,服役期限也不同,但期限最短的兵种也需要服役24个月。 韩国男生,高中毕业后如果没考上大学,会马上收到入伍通知。 如果上了大学,一般会在大二的时候办理休学,然后去当两年兵,接着回来继续完成学业。 也有人选择毕业后考研究生,但研究生读完后也必须服役。 只有那些有严重疾病或者为国家做出巨大贡献的人才可能减免兵役。 服役期间训练和日常生活都极为艰苦……   韩国男性满19岁者即须接受兵役体检(不是体能测验)。 并当场区分等级(类似日本以往征兵检查后分成甲乙丙三级),通知役男。  「身心健康者」将被区分为「现役兵 (被征集服常备兵役)」、「公益勤务要员」两种。 患病者,或服役将使家庭生计陷入困境、无法服役者,将被归类为「兵役免除者」。 另外,体检时住院的役男将于一年后再受检,决定其分为哪一种等级。  兵役的种类 士兵的服...

i wanna eat zong zi!!

上个星期下课时, 我看见MY带粽子去学校吃。 讨厌咯!!>..< 明知道我没回家, 没有的吃, 干嘛要引诱我?! 又不会带多几个请我噢! 哈哈XD 刚在fb跟Patrick聊天 聊到端午节 没想到我们都不知道在哪一天@@ 他还说过了= =ll 突然…… 我很想吃粽子啊! 可是要等到4号才有得吃咧~ 因为我昨天问妈妈 她说4号会去跟阿姨们一起包 唉~我就耐心得等多一天啦~

Tavia&Baby Yan Yan

难得恩恩愿意跟我合照… 难得我扮可爱… 经典啊~~

im so lazy

派大星很多assignment wor~ 其实我也是有功课要做的 可是我就是没有心去做 一直想着有两个星期的假期 想着等明天再做吧··· 唉~我做么会有酱的想法的? 什么事都一直拖 结果到现在都还没做完 假期开始到现在 我都顾着追戏 (香港连续剧,台湾偶像剧&日本动漫) 这种日子真爽啊! 哈哈XD 不懂我还可以爽几久? 假期结束后, 希望不会听到bad news啦! 我真的真的(x1000) 不想我生平第一次的转校发生在这时候 我参考书都买了 如果不能在直凉读 我打算不读F6了 that means我的书浪费了 突然发现 我看不懂physics参考书在写什么东东 我的physics老师······ 算了,不提了! 扫兴! 上次我没去到physics补习班 不管了 下个星期我打算照样去 希望那位老师不会赶我出来ho~~ 另外 我的chemistry补习老师说话很快 之前我是有点跟不上的 不过现在我适应了 可是我朋友们都打算不补他了 他们打算去补一个『很有经验的老师』 要去到Temerloh补咧~ 很远一下 交通不方便 再加上那位老师不会说华语 全程说英语 所以··· 我很烦恼一下 要不要换老师呢? 我现在要的是一位physics老师啊!!! 做么多一位chemistry老师来让我选? 我很讨厌做选择 可是偏偏 the life offers us a lot of choice i must consider to my choice because the choice will make change to my future think properly Who can give me some suggestion?